Real estate valuation and management

Our experts have long experience in various real estate associated mandates, such as real estate valuations. Large and valuable real estate projects emphasize the importance of professional real estate management and clear strategy.

Long-term planning can be used to prepare for different risks or changes and to ensure the continuity of returns in ownership. Whether it concerns a change in the purpose of a property, a renovation or another project, we will help your organization in developing and implementing a real estate strategy. 

Our real estate valuation services cover financing, reporting and business development. The valuations are done by international valuation standards (IVC and RICS). Our valuation reports fulfill the Finnish Chamber of Commerce’s requirements for authorized property valuation reports (AKA).

Typical valuations include commercial properties (retail, office, industrial and warehouses), special properties (e.g. hotels, restaurants, educational facilities and care properties), demanding residential and leisure properties, undeveloped properties (e.g. land areas, agricultural properties and timberland properties) and portfolios consisting of the above-mentioned items.

Our services

  • Valuation reports: AKA- and RICS
  • Value calculations for decision making
  • Indicative opinion of the property’s value and risks (tenant analysis, mapping and analysis of potential new tenants, market rental level analysis)
  • Cash flow and income analysis
  • Concise opinions of values for regular valuations or transaction processes
  • Valuations of a property or part(s) of a property
  • Statements to support decision making
  • Portfolio, market and sensitivity analysis
  • Property and portfolio analysis to support the strategy work
  • Continuous valuation for financiers and real estate investors

Our real estate management development services cover property asset management, property administration and facility management, where we take into consideration the perspective of owners, companies and finance.

Real estate management benefits for real estate users or tenants: 

  • Improving productivity and efficiency – efficient and well-designed spaces enhance user motivation and performance 
  • Cost-effectiveness, flexibility, minimizing unused space and efficient use of property

Real estate management for corporate management and owners:

  • Efficient use and release of capital for the development of core business
  • Maximizing property cash flow through operational, financial and tax restructuring 
  • Effective property maintenance and management processes
  • Transparent and integrated property management information systems
  • High-quality real estate management expertise

Contact us

Jari Lehtinen

Jari Lehtinen

Corporate Finance and Valuations, PwC Finland

Tel: +358 (0)20 787 8338

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