Capital Markets and Accounting Advisory Services

Our team consists of problem solvers with extensive experience within capital markets transactions and accounting advisory. Our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. It is at the core of everything we do, and we take pride in working with market leaders in different fields delivering advice with the highest value and quality. Please look at the summary of our services and contact us if you want to discuss how we can help you.

Capital Markets Advisory 

From planning, preparing and executing capital market transactions to providing valuable reporting to stakeholders, complex accounting issues and navigating regulatory change - we’re here to help you, every step of the way.

Our dedicated network of capital markets and accounting advisory professionals has the knowledge and experience in domestic and international deals, regulatory frameworks, accounting standards and business processes to help you master the many challenges of your transaction.

Investment prospectuses

If you need advice and comments on compliance with relevant guidance on the financial information to be included in the prospectus, we can help you. Such matters include e.g., capitalization and indebtedness, operating and financial review, selected financial information, key performance indicators (KPI’s) and related party information. In addition, you can have advice and comment on working capital model to support the statement on the sufficiency of the working capital in accordance prospectus regulation.

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Debt issues

The complexities and dynamic nature of debt capital markets can make navigating and executing bond and debt transactions challenging. Executing a transaction may require the publication of historical financial information for the investor group. From us you can have help with the preparation of that financial information.

We can offer you with expertise and advice in preparing the relevant financial information included in the various documents and maximise value to multiple stakeholders in the transaction compliance process, as well as advice concerning the comfort letters connected to bond programs.

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Share issue and listing projects

In addition to our Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) related services, we are here to help you on other share issue and listing projects as well and giving advice concerning the comfort letters connected to share issue.

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Other regulatory related advice

Our deep expertise and knowledge of rules and regulations governing Finnish capital markets accompanied with hands on and pragmatic problem-solving attitude can help you with handling matters with the authorities (like FIN-FSA), legal requirements and the regulations of the stock exchange.

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Initial Public Offering (IPO) related services

Taking your company from private to public is a huge step and a transformational change. It’s best to do it in partnership with experts who’ve been through the process many times before, and who can rally the right people and skills you’ll need for the journey. Together with our advisory, tax and other experts from across PwC Finland, we can help you understand what you need to know and what you need to do with our deep knowledge and understanding of the rules and regulations — and a successful history of working on both international and domestic IPOs.

IPO readiness

Planning is the key to a successful and efficient listing. Our IPO readiness review is a thorough assessment of the current state of the company which focuses on identification of main gaps and development areas to be remediated before IPO. In order you to succeed, all aspects should be considered, interdependencies understood and the ability to deliver on the planned timeline assessed. 

Our IPO readiness review results in an IPO readiness report and tracker presenting a "gap analysis" of critical paths of action required to execute a successful IPO process. These will help you gain overview and insight in which functions and processes need to be implemented or improved in order to meet the requirements and execute a successful listing.

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IPO uplifting

IPO uplifting focuses on uplifting Company’s capabilities, processes and organisation to meet the requirements for listed company. Our dedicated team of capital markets and accounting advisory professionals are here to help you with for example financial statement uplift or IFRS conversion and preparation of interim financial reporting template. We provide accounting advice tailored on Company’s need to help you to ensure that Company has adequate capabilities to meet the financial reporting requirements for listed company. 

In addition to financial reporting our colleagues may advice you with uplift needs for other capabilities and processes related for example ESG reporting, taxation, risk management, controls and corporate governance.

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IPO due diligence

IPO due diligence report is part of the required listing documentation which presents a final view on the Company’s ability to operate as a listed entity. Our team combining DD, capital market and accounting expertise helps you to make sure that all remedies related to topics identified in IPO readiness review are remedied at the latest by filing the listing application.

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Post IPO support

Your IPO or listing is just the beginning. Once listed, your company will be under far greater public and regulatory scrutiny, with a wider universe of stakeholders, associated risks and obligations to manage.

You will need to ensure that you have robust functions, processes and procedures in place to fulfill your obligations as a listed company, while managing potential risks to protect your company's reputation, safeguard your credibility and retain investor confidence. Together with our advisory, tax and other experts from across PwC Finland, we can support you post IPO on a wide range of public company matters, including financial reporting, corporate governance, ESG reporting, risk management as well as in future capital transactions.

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Acquisition and deals accounting

PwC is a trusted resource for helping companies navigate the accounting and financial reporting challenges of business combinations. We will help you develop strategies to meet constantly evolving expectations for clear and transparent financial reporting and anticipate potential areas of focus in filings.

With PwC, your company can:

  • Develop a clear roadmap of the economic objectives that will drive the transaction and can be used to communicate goals, both internally and with advisors.
  • Determine the appropriate commercial, legal, tax, financial reporting, valuation and regulatory skills needed to complete the transaction and involve the appropriate professionals early in the process.
  • Consider the post-acquisition financial reporting implications of the transaction, including how the transaction will be communicated to stakeholders and whether the transaction will impact any debt covenants or other existing agreements.

Accounting policy alignment

In a merger between companies the acquired company will have to align its accounting policies and processes with the acquirer’s. We at PwC have an experienced team that understands the challenges and can provide advice in a transaction environment.

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Impairment testing

Business combinations lead to goodwill and you have to test goodwill for impairment according to IAS 36. In addition to goodwill, individual assets and subsidiary shares are often tested for impairment, even if you are not following IFRS accounting standards. Impairment testing is complex and we offer expert advice to ease timely and qualitative reporting.

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Post-closing finance integration

The acquirer will have to determine the level of desired integration for the acquired entity’s processes, systems and timelines. The integration plan itself can be divided into Day 1, Day 100 and longer-term initiatives. Key matters include timelines around cut-off and reporting, accounting dimensions such as chart of accounts and cost centres, timing for implementing acquirer’s accounting systems at the acquiree and identifying gaps between data required and data available. We are here to advice you on a working plan, efficient implementation and to make sure the process runs smoothly and without unnecessary interruptions.

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Purchase price allocation

IFRS 3 is much more than just identifying new intangible assets and estimating their fair value. Our team can assist your company with accounting advice in connection with M&A transactions where you will need to consolidate the acquired company’s financial information with your own. Before any deal closes, we can help you with a pre-deal assessment of the impact to understand how this will affect potential covenants, profitability impacts and much more. After the deal you need to make decisions on fair value estimates, policy alignments and other accounting treatment so that your team can make the right decisions and convey the correct information to investors.

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A divestiture done right can help the company focus its strategy and increase profitability and keep ahead of the competition. Divesting the right assets at the right time will help creating sustainable value post transaction. We as a team provide a transparent and connected experience, digitally enabled and insight-driven approach to support you with regulatory, financing or stakeholder alignment.

Divestiture workstreams

Almost all types of divestitures require analysis and decisions to be made in different areas. A few of these can be divestiture strategy, Special-purpose financial statements for carve-out entity or to illustrate the impact of certain transactions, operational separation, structuring, IT separation and many more. At PwC we can offer an integrated package advising you on all areas in need for a divestiture solution. Our CMAAS team can help you with expert advice relating to reporting, regulatory and prospectus related services in divestitures.

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Carve-out financial statements

In many types of divestitures, there is a need for carve-out financial statements to facilitate or even enable the deals process. Whether the carve-out financial statements are used to enable the IPO processes, facilitate the M&A projects or for example funding purposes, we provide an integrated approach with our deal teams, each providing advice in key areas. Preparing carve-out financial statements is often one of the most complex and lengthy processes in a divestiture.

We help you create a single platform for all stakeholders where everyone has the same data as a base for their analysis. Maintaining optionality, flexibility and having an experienced project manager is crucial when preparing Carve-out financial statements. Separating the carve-out business from possibly entangled units and operations adds to the complexity and it is crucial to plan for the right accounting structure. We have the right technology and expertise to provide interruption free processes, auditable material and reduce risk for errors.

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Pro forma

Pro forma financial information is required when a significant business combination or a disposal of a significant portion of the business is going to take place. The purpose is to enable stakeholders evaluate the continued impact of a transaction on historical financial information if it had been consummated at an earlier date.

Our CMAAS team advice you in the complex preparation of pro forma financial information and guide you on the regulatory framework and preparation of explanatory notes.

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Accounting advisory

PwC is your trusted partner for global accounting and financial reporting support. Our experience and deep technical knowledge including IFRS accounting standards and FAS, enables us to ensure the quality of your reporting. If you face changes related to deals, consolidations, debt or equity offerings, specific accounting questions or other topics, we are here to help you overcome those challenges.

IFRS conversions and reporting integration

We can help your organisation navigate the complexities of IFRS conversions and reporting integration. Leveraging our expertise, we help you with the transition by conducting an analysis of your company's reporting and offering hands-on support through the conversion process. Our objective is to ensure a smooth integration process by aligning your financial reporting with IFRS accounting standards. We can assist you with the transition and maintaining ongoing compliance, ultimately helping you prepare financial statements, collaborate effectively with auditors, and mitigate risks.

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Advisory on accounting policy changes

We provide advisory services on accounting policy changes, guiding your organisation through the embedding of new standards and processes. Our approach can involve for example assessments, planning, and hands-on support to help you integrate updated policies. We can assist you in navigating accounting policy transitions, ensuring an effective incorporation of new standards.

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Support for financial reporting

Drawing upon our expertise, we assist you in addressing any identified topical accounting issues that may have emerged. Whether it is adapting to new regulatory guidelines or addressing specific challenges within your financial reporting, we tailor our support to meet your organisation's needs. In addition, we can enhance the reliability of your financial reporting by offering continuous support to navigate the complexities of the rapidly evolving financial landscape.

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Digital Finance

Many companies are focusing on improving their finance operations, digitising accounting and financial statement preparations as well as optimising the work force between internal employees and service providers. Our team can provide you additional insights and a pair of hands from an IFRS accounting standards perspective.

Workiva implementation

Workiva transforms the last mile of financing by automating the financial reporting. We have a global partnership with Workiva and we assist companies in implementing different solutions provided by Workiva. Workiva can be a great solution for companies who are looking to improve efficiency of annual report preparations, digitising their processes and creating solid audit trails, just to name a few benefits. Our implementation services are scalable and flexible and range from full end-to-end service to a more coaching approach.

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Managed services

Is your company preparing IFRS financial statements or reporting under IFRS for group reporting purposes? Are there any gaps in IFRS expertise or simply the time used for IFRS reporting does not justify hiring a permanent staff? Would you like someone to have a look on the process how IFRS figures are prepared and reported? we are here to help with our IFRS managed services offering. We can, among many other things, provide support with the preparation of financial statements, IFRS 15/16 entries or other IFRS related topics.

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Sari Elonheimo

Sari Elonheimo

Partner, Capital Markets and Accounting Advisory Services, PwC Finland

Tel: +358 (0)20 787 7289

Maija Luoranen

Maija Luoranen

Partner, Capital Markets and Accounting Advisory Services, PwC Finland

Tel: +358 (0)20 787 8210

Netta Mikkilä

Netta Mikkilä

Partner, Global Corporate Reporting Services, PwC Finland

Tel: +358 (0)20 787 7386

Timo Ihamäki

Timo Ihamäki

Partner, Corporate Reporting Services, PwC Finland

Tel: +358 (0)20 787 7474

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