Authorisation risks

Optimal management of access rights

Optimal management of access rights is an important part of the company’s risk management framework.  

Organisations face challenges in their business in terms of constantly evolving and complicated legislation and other regulation. How to manage your company's control and operating environment more efficiently, enable growth by streamlining processes, and at the same time delivering business at lower cost?

PwC's access rights and authorisations services.

Deficient management of authorisations as a part of the company’s control environment causes inefficiency, as well as risks to the business, and makes organisations vulnerable to errors and abuses. For example, inappropriate use of critical IT access rights, even the business continuity may be compromised. In addition, the lack of adequate segregation of the duties can lead to abuse. On the other hand, as organisations evolve and develop their operations, the job descriptions of the employees of the company might expand and resources may become more limited. Restricting access and authorisations can also create negative impressions and preconceptions in the employees.

Security and authorisations are traditionally a complex topic in organisations. IT security teams understand the technical aspects of authorisations, business organisations understand the processes behind but common language and tools in between are missing. All parties know that something needs to be done, but what that is, is not clear.


Our solution

Insights Access Risks is a secure cloud based service to analyse and present SAP authorisation related risks. Authorisation data is extracted from SAP with standard methods without anything to be installed in the SAP environment. Extracted data is analysed in cloud and the analysis is presented in a web-portal.

Our solution includes dashboard, easy to understand reports and clear functional charts and graphs to illustrate the results and changes. In addition, necessary technical details with possibility to export to Excel are available for remediation work. Accessing the results is easy and possible at any time anywhere with any device securely. By default, there are also privacy, such as GDPR, and pricing related tests included.

Insights Access Risks will bring your SAP authorisation risk management up to date without large investments or time consuming installation efforts. We also provide our customers comprehensive SAP expertise. Our team has experience in designing user management entities, risks related to user management, processes and controls, and technical implementation of controls and access rights.

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Contact us

Petri Näätänen

Petri Näätänen

Partner, Risk Assurance Services Leader, Inclusion & Diversity Leader, PwC Finland

Tel: +358 (0)20 787 7295

Sanna Oinonen

Sanna Oinonen

Risk Assurance Services, PwC Finland

Tel: +358 (0)20 787 8894

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