Crisis management

Crisis management processes are crucial for the overall risk management of an organisation. These processes enable the organisation to ensure its functionality even in exceptional circumstances and facilitate the recovery from crisis situations.

Crisis situations often require quick and efficient decision-making, even when information may be limited. Many organisations operate in complex and fast-paced business environments, making pre-planned operating models necessary for dealing with new situations. Traditional risk management alone is not sufficient; effective crisis management is needed to complement situations that are difficult to predict.

Contact our specialists

Contact us

Timo Kangas

Risk Management, PwC Finland

+358 (0)20 7877831


Jarkko Sihvonen

Partner, Risk Advisory Services, PwC Finland

+358 (0)20 787 7771


Crisis management processes and practising them help the company to establish learned operating models and pre-built processes that clarify actions in crisis situations. If an organisation has to consider its structure, authority relationships, or communication foundations during a crisis, it will lose a significant amount of resources that could have been defined during normal operations. Resources are rarely unlimited in a crisis, so the available resources must be directed as efficiently as possible towards managing the situation. Business continuity plans are often implemented during crisis management activities to ensure the efficient recovery of the company's operations to an acceptable level.

We can help develop crisis management, for example, in the following ways:

  • Evaluation and improvement of current crisis management processes
  • Designing a crisis management model
  • Organising and supporting crisis exercises.
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