Preparedness for exceptional circumstances and disruptions in organisations

Organisations often have a legal obligation to prepare for exceptional circumstances and disruptions, such as natural disasters, power outages, or serious infectious diseases. For some organisations, operational capability during exceptional circumstances is even essential for their business.

The Emergency Powers Act defines exceptional circumstances and its purpose is to protect the population, secure the economy, maintain legal order, and safeguard territorial integrity during exceptional circumstances. Exceptional circumstances may include armed attacks or its threat, major accidents, or serious and widespread infectious diseases. Finland has used the Emergency Powers Act twice during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021.

For example, the impairment of healthcare and rescue services, critical transportation systems, or the unavailability of vital commodities such as energy, water, food, and medicine can trigger an exceptional situation. Cyberattacks targeting information and communication technology services and systems can also jeopardise societal functionality.

Contact us

Contact us

Timo Kangas

Risk Management, PwC Finland

+358 (0)20 7877831


Jarkko Sihvonen

Partner, Risk Advisory Services, PwC Finland

+358 (0)20 787 7771


Disruptions can include, for example:

  • Widespread and prolonged power outage
  • Severe natural phenomena such as storms
  • Widespread and prolonged water outage.

We offer various services to support organisations in their preparedness efforts. We can audit or develop specific areas of preparedness processes or help create a comprehensive preparedness plan that integrates preparedness into business continuity management. We also assist in preparing for broader disruptions that may threaten business operations.

All our preparedness services are provided in close collaboration with the customer and confidentially.

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