MyFiles Starter Pack

The MyFiles service is quick and easy to deploy on your own: in the best case scenario, it takes just a few minutes. However, we realise that it is not always possible for organisations to spend a lot of time and effort setting up a service, particularly when the number of users is high and user rights vary.

For this reason, we offer our clients a turnkey service. This means we ensure that everything is ready for effortless, straightforward deployment and transformation, making it easy to get started

Our turnkey service includes:

1. An introductory and configuration workshop

The introductory and configuration workshop is a team session focusing on the introduction of MyFiles' key features and operational logic. We also chart your organisation's requirements, needs and preferred practices, to ensure that the MyFiles structure meets your specific wishes in terms of good contract and meeting management.

2. Setting up the service

We customise the metadata structure to meet your preferences. We create user accounts and provide users with the appropriate, category-based access rights to files. We also set up additional services and activate O365 integrations as required.

3. Deployment

We provide on-site training for system administrators and present the functionalities of the service that has been set up for you. Deployment training ensures that your users have a solid skill base for using the MyFiles service.

Price: €1,500 (Excl. VAT. User-specific fees and additional services are subject to a separate charge)

Contact us

Turo Juhantalo

Turo Juhantalo

Business development, Private business, PwC Finland

Tel: +358 40 579 51 42

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