Startup cooperation

We support Finnish entrepreneurship

We are involved in a number of projects that support entrepreneurship and start-up activities, such as Slush and Tekes’ funding programs. 

TEKES funding


Tempo financing is suitable for startups with less than 5 years of operation, who are aiming to enter the export markets and who have competition advance due to their product or service in the target market.

The amount of funding is a maximum of EUR 50 000, covering 75% of the total cost of the project. Personal funding of EUR 30 000 of the capital is expected.

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Research, development, piloting

Funding is intended for startups, who wish to develop their product or service in order to enter the export markets, and who have a verified business plan and market need.

For development and piloting projects, Tekes lends 50 % or 70 % of the total cost of the project. For research work, Tekes grants no more than 50 % of the total cost of the project.

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YIC (Young Innovative Companies)

The funding is intended for the most promising small startups of less than five years old, aiming at rapid international growth in their business. Primarily, this funding is granted to business development and its aim is to help startup companies to grow rapidly in international markets.

The maximum contribution is a total of EUR 1.25 million. The grant is a maximum of EUR 500 000 and the loan a maximum of EUR 750 000. Funding is awarded in at least three sections, 75 % of the eligible costs for the project. 

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The funding is aimed at small and medium-sized businesses and startups aiming for the export markets. Funding makes it possible to buy expert services to strengthen innovation.

Tekes’ funding is 50 % of the total budget of the project, there is no upper limit set for the project. However, professional service purchases with Tekes’ funding cannot exceed EUR 200 000.

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Market Explorer Funding

Market Explorer funding service is meant for small, medium-sized and Midcap companies that are seeking new international markets for their products, services or business models.

The funding is meant to cover the expenses of purchased expert services. The maximum amount of Tekes funding is EUR 5000–10 000, covering 50 % of the total costs of the expert services. 

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Innovation voucher

The innovation voucher is intended for SMEs engaged in well-established business and who have a new product or service idea with international growth potential and for which the company needs external expertise. The innovation voucher aims to find new business opportunities for businesses to support business growth and encourage new businesses to innovate. The voucher is worth EUR 6 200 (EUR 5 000 + VAT).

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Contact us

Pekka Pesonen

Pekka Pesonen

Partner, Operations Lead, PwC Finland

Tel: +358 (0)20 787 7297

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