Our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems 

We are a responsible Finnish company that is part of the PwC network operating in 149 countries. In Finland, we have over 1,400 experts across the country.

We help businesses grow, operate efficiently and responsibly, and report reliably in a constantly changing environment – whether the client is a publicly listed company, a family business, a growth company, a public sector entity, or a non-profit organization.

We offer your organisation modern auditing delivered with the best expertise and technology.

We help your company operate more responsibly and create new opportunities in changing markets.

Utilise the opportunities of corporate acquisition and divestment and capital market transactions.

We offer expertise across business boundaries for entrepreneurs in matters including growth, internationalisation and generational transfers.

We are your easily approachable partner in business-related legal questions.

Leading tax expertise for all your business needs.

We help your organisation optimise operations and implement strategic changes that have a direct impact on your financial performance.

We help develop your way of operating and leverage new opportunities in an ever-changing risk landscape.

Our network of experts at Strategy& helps your organisation create and implement strategies that serve your business.

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