Connected Supply Chain – Supply Chain Management Consulting

How do you transform your supply chain into an intelligent digital ecosystem?

As consumer needs and behaviours shift, also supply chains need to start driving revenue growth and profitability through better customer experience and more efficient supply chain management. The requirements for sourcing materials, delivering the right quality products at the best price as quickly as possible and considering unique customer experience are constantly becoming more important. However, providing all this cost-effectively requires companies to have a completely new focus on optimization. Optimising your supply chain to meet modern customer demands, respond to regulatory requirements and spot risks before they impact your business takes more than selecting a supporting technology and having supply chain expertise. It requires transformation and integration across all your operations.

Our experts supported by our Connected Supply Chain concept can help you design and implement a digital, intelligent, fully transparent, and end-to-end interconnected supply chain. We will also help your company to build or join the new dynamic ecosystem creating an opportunity for your business to streamline and gain cost efficiencies regardless of the economic climate.

Supply chain strategy and operational excellence

Global supply chains today need to consider long term factors to meet modern customer demand, increase resilience towards large scale shocks and optimise costs in changing business environment. To succeed in the rapidly evolving marketplace, organisations should invest in building resiliency and digital capabilities by streamlining or automating daily processes and procedures. Organisations that understand their future operational needs can act strategically, gain cost efficiencies, and find opportunities that unlock growth and make a difference.

By combining our end-to-end supply chain expertise, digital transformation capabilities, global network, and relationships with leading technology providers, we can together create agile and effective supply chains to answer your challenges and achieve sustainable results. 

Examples of our services in this area:

Supply chain strategy

Services provided under our supply chain strategy offering will help you answer questions such as: Is the performance of our supply chain on a sufficient level and if not, how can we improve it? How quickly are we able to respond to changing customer demands? Are we investing in the right capabilities and technologies? 

Defining a supply chain strategy would typically start with assessing the maturity of all supply chain related processes and operations. Based on the client’s overall strategy, current maturity, and future ambitions, we help you formulate the strategy and the target state for different segments served by the supply chain. New capability and solution requirements can be thus identified to close the gap between current and future state.

Supply chain digitalisation

A key question before launching large digital supply chain initiatives is whether the initiative is able to deliver the expected value for the investment. 

At PwC, we have helped many of our clients in supply chain-intensive industries achieve the maximum value from their digital initiatives. PwC Finland takes a holistic approach to ensure that the cornerstones of obtaining the benefits of a digital solution are evaluated before the implementation of the solution begins.

Our supply chain digitalisation offering is designed to help organisations transform their supply chains using cutting-edge technologies and advanced digital solutions. We offer a wide range of services that can help clients optimise their supply chain operations, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. 

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Supply chain process intelligence

Our process intelligence experts will help you answer questions such as: How to ensure a comprehensive, transparent, and real-time view into execution of your supply chain to drive agility, resiliency, and continuous improvement? How to improve on-time delivery percentage in a complex high volume delivery environment? How to ensure that the productivity and other execution inefficiencies are found in data analysis and optimally fixed?

The implementation of process intelligence in daily operational management offers real-time visibility and mechanisms to further improve the execution of processes. This can mean:

  1. Analysis of the execution of your supply chain processes: We can analyse the efficiency, bottlenecks, root causes and improvement potential of your supply chain processes (i.e., procure-to-pay, order-to-cash, planning processes or transportation management) with advanced analytics or process mining tools. In addition, we help you identify and implement the needed use cases to ensure improvements and increased visibility. We also support you in the set-up of the needed capabilities, practices, and organisation for realising the improvement potential found in process discovery and improvement target setting phase. 
  2. Improving the value of your process intelligence related investments: You might have implemented process mining, RPA (Robotic Process Automation), analytics and/or workflow solutions to some part of your operational processes, but you are unsure of the realisation of the full value. Our PwC experts will help you create the competitive advantage by unifying disparate initiatives with a common methodology and approach to support daily operational excellence.

Supply chain planning

Whether you are struggling with excessive inventory levels, poor inventory turnover, long delivery times or the impossibility of predicting production, you might benefit from better supply chain planning. Effective supply chain planning is critical in ensuring the success of any organisation by designing and optimising the flow of goods. Our supply chain experts are able to help you meet your customer demand, reduce costs and improve overall supply chain efficiency through better planning activities. 

Our services include designing, implementing and improving processes and solutions for planning areas such as:

  • Sales and operations planning
  • Demand planning
  • Supply planning
  • Materials planning
  • Transportation planning

Supply chain visibility 

If you suffer from any of the following your supply chain might lack essential visibility: siloed functions, lack of visibility between partners, or products appearing in the wrong place at the wrong time. This has harmful results: low supply chain resilience, long disruption recovery times, inefficient operations, and dissatisfied customers. A traditional linear supply chain creates blind spots, information gaps, and a lack of real-time information. These walls should be broken down and a dynamic, adaptive, and connected supply chain ecosystem with built-in intelligence and automation should be created, transforming reactive response into confident leadership.

Our team of experts has the skills and experience to help you navigate the complexities of the modern supply chain, and we're here to support you every step of the way. Building supply chain visibility is a key factor when increasing your resilience to mitigate the risks of major supply chain disruptions.

Examples of our services in this area:

Supply chain data strategy and capabilities

Our supply chain data experts can help your organisation to understand the opportunities and requirements related to supply chain data. Together, we can identify the essential data to your company’s supply chain needs and define the best data management policies and procedures for your organisation. Together we can for example implement data analytics tools or design 360° supply chain data mesh to capture supply chain data and data’s relationships end-to-end.

Track and trace

Track and trace activities in supply chain can provide your organisation with greater visibility and control over your operations helping to optimise supply chain performance, reduce risks and improve customer satisfaction. Our professionals can support you for example with following track and trace related capabilities:

  • Near real-time track and trace including dynamic ETAs and proactive alerting  
  • End-to-end traceability and chain of custody of products (incl. sustainability information) 
  • End-to-end supply chain visibility (e.g., better overall visibility to inventory, capacity, and planning)

Cost-to-serve visibility down to transactional level

Cost-to-serve visibility down to transactional level refers to the ability of an organisation to track and analyse the cost associated with individual transaction in supply chain. This visibility allows your organisation to understand the true costs of serving for example one customer, product, or channel. Visibility to the costs can be provided on different levels and the analysis can also include CO2 emission impacts of the service model. We can support your organisation by analysing transaction level costs and identifying opportunities to reduce costs, improve profitability and optimise supply chain operations.

Smart and AI-enabled control tower

Smart and AI-enabled control tower enabling end-to-end collaboration, optimisation, and automated decisions

We can support your organisation by defining and implementing AI-enabled control tower solutions to provide visibility in one centralised platform, and collaboration capabilities to enable proactive efficient data driven decisions. With a smart and AI-enabled control tower we can ensure real-time visibility and control over the entire supply chain including inventory levels, supplier performance, transportations, logistics and possible supply chain disruptions. This visibility leads to supply chain efficiency, reduced costs and enhances customer satisfaction.

Supply chain risk management

Risk management identifying and mitigating risks throughout the supply chain

In today's rapidly changing and even unpredictable environment, it is critical to manage your supply chain in order to anticipate and reduce risks. This is especially emphasized in a global operating environment

We offer a range of customized risk assessment services designed to identify and mitigate risks associated with supplier performance, regulatory compliance, geopolitical instability, natural disasters, and cyber threats. With our cutting-edge technologies and advanced methodologies, we provide end-to-end visibility across your entire supply chain network.

Our real-time monitoring and predictive analytics capabilities enable us to identify potential risks before they materialize. We work closely with you to develop a tailored risk mitigation plan that aligns with your business objectives, ensures business continuity, and enhances supply chain visibility so that the investments made to prevent risks are in line with the harm caused by the possible realization of the risk.

Sustainable supply chain 

Do you want to make sure that at no point in the supply chain does your organization support a company whose employees have to work in bad working conditions or even have their human rights violated? Is your supply chain prepared for the risks brought by climate change? Do your supply chain operations optimally support your company's climate change-related commitments and sustainability strategy?

Organisations must increasingly consider these types of sustainability and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance sustainability) related questions as the responsibility expectations of customers, regulators, and other stakeholders rapidly and continuously increase. 

The three most important drivers for increasing the responsibility of the value chain are typically following: 

  • Consumers' increased demands for responsible products, which links trust in the company and the supply chain to its brand value. 
  • Investors and analysts pay more and more attention to responsibility-related pitfalls when evaluating companies. 
  • Companies' self-imposed responsibility obligations are turning into mandatory regulation.

Examples of our services in this area:

Identifying new business opportunities

Identifying new business opportunities enabled by more sustainable supply chain

Ensuring responsibility throughout the company's value chain requires effort and investment but offers numerous benefits. Consumers, investors and other stakeholders' appreciation for responsibility and sustainability is constantly growing, and companies that can meet these values will succeed in the competition. We can help you to find innovative ways to improve sales through new sustainable ways of operating for example through circular economy. In addition to increasing sales, improving responsibility also creates benefits by strengthening your employer image, closer relationships with suppliers and improved supply chain resilience and transparency. Our sustainability experts can support your organisation to come up with innovative solutions that combine profit targets, responsibility targets and concrete ways of working to achieve these targets.

Identifying and implementing sustainability requirements

Identifying and implementing changes needed to meet the sustainability requirements

Sustainability and ESG reporting related regulations are increasing and changing continuously. Also, the interpretation of regulations and how the requirements should be applied by organisations are not always simple and straightforward. We can help understanding the supply chain related sustainability requirements and complying with them in a way that the implementation is in line with your company strategy.

Risk and impact analysis

Complying with supply chain related sustainability requirements requires often efficient and effective environmental and human rights risk identification that the efforts needed for the risk management are in balance with potential impacts. We can help you design and implement processes and tools to support efficient supply chain risk identification and management.

Digital solution design and implementation

By combining our strong digital solution capabilities with sustainability expertise, we can help your organisation to design and implement digital solutions to enable product and supply chain traceability and transparency from sustainability perspective. These digital solutions can be for example control towers or supply chain digital twin solutions.

Supply network analyses

Supply network analyses to enable cost-effective and environmentally impact-minimising ways of operating

Supply network optimisation services can be extended to cover detailed scenario analysis to understand the environmental impacts and social sustainability risks linked to different supply network options. We can support your organisation with analyses of the supply network to enable cost-effective and environmentally impact-minimising ways of delivering the company's products and services

Ethical guidelines, operating principles and supply chain due diligence

Development of ethical guidelines, operating principles, and supply chain due diligence processes

The number of suppliers and partners in companies’ value chain is typically high. Ensuring the compliance of every partner in the value chain requires high-quality policies, principles, and due diligence processes, as well as effective practical procedures and ways of working. We can support your company in ensuring that the ethical guidelines like company code of conducts and supplier code of conducts are on a correct level, and that the due diligence processes for ensuring effective supplier co-operation and supply chain due diligence are designed and implemented successfully.

Smart warehousing and logistics

Supply chain-intensive organisations often find themselves wondering whether they have an optimal logistic network. As the organisation's operations grow and the number of functions increases in different geographical areas, cost-effective management of the network becomes even more challenging. For many organisations, this means several different logistics partners and IT systems, resulting in poor efficiency and high service costs for customers. We offer comprehensive support in logistics and warehouse management. 

Examples of our services in this area:

Logistics network analysis, design, and optimisation

Optimising the logistics network is not only about cutting costs, but it must enable future growth in accordance with the organisation's vision. Today's business environment requires agility in the face of unexpected and volatile demand. Agility has become a key requirement in warehouse footprint planning. ESG and the carbon footprint have emerged as a competitive advantage, so today's logistics footprint must be planned with consideration for sustainability aspects in addition to agility and cost efficiency. PwC’s global centre of excellence for the distribution network design includes consultants with deep expertise in both the strategic and operational aspects of network design. We help our clients to specify a strategic direction for their company to minimise costs and optimise logistical flows while increasing customer satisfaction. 

A distribution network design experts can support you in answering the questions like following:

  • How many distribution centres should I have? Where should they be located? What would their function and inventory levels be? 
  • What are the key network drivers of my organisation? What are the future trends in distribution? 
  • How frequently should shipments be made to each customer? What transport services should be used?

Logistics control tower

Logistics control tower / Use of the latest tech to enhance visibility and control in the logistics network

Most corporate supply chains are simply not designed with the customer in mind. These outdated systems are often siloed and disconnected, and not built to take advantage of the deep intelligence that exists locked inside the enterprise. Consumers are increasingly moving to online models for everything from product research to customer service and support. Customers want real-time visibility of the status of purchases and demand more individualised products and services from companies. At the same time, technologies such as the internet of things, artificial intelligence and robotic process automation are giving companies the tools needed to provide unprecedented visibility into the supply chain – and meet customer needs. We can support your business stay competitive by unlocking the benefits of the latest technology to enhance visibility and control in the logistics network.

Cost-effectiveness and service level balancing in customer-facing logistics

We can help your organisation to improve the cost-effectiveness of your logistics network while maintaining the desired service level for your customers. Our services can help in identifying and influencing for example the following aspects:

  • Cost-to-serve values by package, channel, route type, and major activities 
  • Key strategic implications resulting from new cost-to-serve understanding
  • Set of market-specific minimum distribution cost guidelines
  • Implications of SKU proliferation in cost-to-serve
  • Most efficient means of distribution into different markets via different channels and routes
  • Cost levers at different points in the supply chain

Warehouse process automation

The inefficient and manual processes within a warehouse may reflect in the profit of the company as well as in the quality of the final product to the end customer. Warehouse process automation can help your organisation save costs while creating a positive customer experience. Our services include for example:

  • A comprehensive assessment of product flow and touchpoints to identify “right-fit” automation solutions to address operations gaps 
  • Warehouse design support to improve product flow and efficiency
  • Hardware return on investment, selection, and implementation support
  • Evaluation of mobile, hands-free technologies, and integration with the broader organisation
  • Assessment and agnostic selection of technology systems (e.g., WMS)

Inventory optimisation

An Inventory Assessment seeks to uncover operational and structural issues driving excess inventory. Our services include a comprehensive assessment of inventory policies, targets, inventory planning process, roles, and responsibilities, as well as evaluation of inventory management governance structure, metrics, and tools. 

Optimising taxes in international warehousing and logistics

As companies modify their supply chain footprint, they need to consider the relevant tax (including transfer pricing considerations for inter-company transactions), tariff, and national security regulations of the countries they operate in. Through modifying company’s supply chain footprint, including determining where companies are manufacturing goods, sourcing raw materials, and selecting vendors - we can minimise the tariff costs to your company while limiting your company’s risk of non-compliance with customs, sanctions, and export control regulations, both in Finland and globally.

Why partner with PwC?

At PwC, we understand that supply chain management is critical to the success of any business, and we are committed in helping our clients achieve their goals and targets. Our team of industry experts combine deep supply chain expertise and knowledge with cutting-edge technology and data analytics. Combined with the experience acquired via hundreds of supply chain projects, we believe that we are in the best position to help solve the challenges of our clients. 

Whether you need support in supply chain strategy, operations, visibility, sustainability or warehousing and logistics, we will work closely with you to identify opportunities for improvement and implement customised solutions that fit your unique business needs. 

Overall, our goal at PwC is to help you unlock the full potential of your supply chain, drive growth, and achieve lasting success.

A holistic approach: Our end-to-end supply chain solutions encompass every aspect of the supply chain, from planning to production and delivery

Deep expertise: Our consultants bring years of industry-specific knowledge and experience to the table, ensuring that we understand the unique challenges and opportunities in your industry

Data-driven insights: We leverage the latest technology and data analytics tools to help you make more informed decisions and optimise your supply chain performance

Continuous improvement: We work with you to develop and implement long-term strategies that drive ongoing improvement and innovation, ensuring that your supply chain is always evolving to meet changing market demands

Contact us

Virpi Lehtisaari

Virpi Lehtisaari

Operations Consulting, PwC Finland

Tel: +358 (0)20 787 7300

Markus Kärki

Markus Kärki

Partner, Operations Consulting, PwC Finland

Tel: +358 (0)20 7877952

Pekka Pesonen

Pekka Pesonen

Partner, Consulting, PwC Finland

Tel: +358 (0)20 787 7297

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